Stage PFE - Ingénieur Intelligence Artificielle dans le domaine de l'automatisation industrielle - Nice (Carros-06) F/H
Description du poste
Environment of workYou will work in Digital Plant department where we design and maintain PLCs, industrial networks, Ios and HMIs for Industry business. Especially you will have to take into account the needs of different targeted segments of customers such as Mining and Minerals, Oil&Gas, Water treatment, Data centers, Food and Beverage… including requirements from Industry V4.0 requirements.The subject will require to take into account the PLC, its hardware, asics, firmware, embedded firmware and programming software but also the environment such as the network architecture, the Ios, their connections, the scadas. This based on real customer cases and applications and taking into account the actual industrial challenges.Our solutions are at the top level of automation technologies including redundancy management, Safety, edge PLCs…ResponsabilitiesThe objective of the training is to enhance Automation Control diagnostic and issue reproduction thanks to AI tools. After an analysis of the best candidates for improvement with AI, one or several proof of concepts will be developed.The trainee will have to:- Propose on the basis of previous diagnostic analysis which subjects could be enhanced with AI: - Improve PLC diagnostic features (for example predictive maintenance for the system, limits reached for memory, run time, communication…) - Fasten user issue reproduction (indeed when we have a customer case we do not have the whole factory and real time of the customer so reproduction to make the diagnostic is difficult) …- Develop for the chosen proposals the corresponding tools or Proof of concept- Lead the project execution on the technical part.For all these activities you will have access to our best experts support. You will have to be creative and innovative to challenge or propose new solutions with them.Contract: 6-month internship starting on 1st semester 2025Location: Schneider Electric R&D Plant "Horizon", Carros, 06510 (near Nice, France)ProfileFinal training of a computer engineering school with an AI specialty and knowledge of firmware development.
- Autonomy for investigation, researches inside Schneider and outside (technology, automation, industry)
- Good communication skills and capacity to work with experts.
- Fluent level in English
- Analysis and synthesis abilities required
A propos de l'entreprise
La raison d’être de Schneider est de créer un Impact en permettant à chacun de tirer le meilleur de son énergie et de ses ressources, afin de concilier progrès et développement durable. Nous nommons cette ambition : Life Is On.
Notre mission est d’être le partenaire de confiance du développement durable et de l’efficacité de nos clients.
Nous sommes un leader mondial de la technologie industrielle avec une expertise de référence dans l’électrification, l’automatisation et la digitalisation des industries intelligentes, des infrastructures résilientes, des centres de données durables, des bâtiments intelligents et des maisons intuitives. Grâce à notre profonde expertise métier, nous proposons des solutions IoT basées sur l’IA intégrant produits connectés, automatismes, logiciels et services sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie des activités industrielles, pour créer des jumeaux numériques et générer une croissance rentable pour nos clients.
Nous sommes une entreprise humaine rassemblant un écosystème de 150 000 collaborateurs et de plus d’un million de partenaires dans plus de 100 pays au plus proche de nos clients et de nos parties prenantes. Nous plaçons la diversité et l’inclusion au cœur de tout ce que nous faisons, guidés par notre volonté profonde de contribuer à un futur durable pour tous.